Tuesday, October 16, 2007

it is absolutely amazing how watching a senseless movie could heal one of his/her emo-ness.

jlzr doesnt like senseless movies too much though. he was complaining about wasting his perfectly good eight bucks on one. took the train back with him today, and had a nice talk about personalities and stuff like we usually do when we're together. he's pretty much a high C like i am, just that his secondary characteristic's S, while mine's D.

jl's a really smart guy; smart in the sense that he is able to think really deeply about practical issues like economics and relationships. when it comes to aesthetics or fashion or figuring out people's conversations or standing up to speak, he isn't that developed. but that's okay, cos he's cool like that.

when i asked him what he thought his greatest blessings were, he singled out the fact that he was easily contented. and contrary to popular belief, being easily contented is indeed a priceless fortune. the downfalls of humanity have time and again been the fruits borne by its hunger for more and more and more. and what is the point in acquiring so much that invariably has to be forfeited when the light at the end of the tunnel approaches?

so i told him to just enjoy himself in life and to do whatever he wants to. and he cracks a joke about getting off the train and leaving the station without paying for the ride, since that is what he wants to do.

how do we go about living? do we simply live in accordance with our desires? do we strive to bring happiness and comfort to others? do we live by constantly making the moral choices and keeping to doing the right thing in any situation? how do we live?

no doubt these questions have plagued the minds of many since the dawn of philosophy. attempts have been made to answer them, but the answers have been weighed and been found unsatisfactory. surely most sane members of society have their own secret, personal, unspoken creeds, which the roots of their behaviours and actions find themselves grounded in. can we safely say that they are all wrong, or claim that they all are correct? is there even truth amongst humanity?

and i suddenly realise that the power of Love can put an end to these metaphysical contemplatings. for it is by Love that we may truly and richly live, by Love that we meet both the needs of ourselves and of others, by Love and not the book that we make the right moral choices in our lives, by Love that we press on through the difficulties that stand in our way. truly, without Love, life is meaningless.

then the rationalists would fire away at my beliefs, berating me for my lack of empirical observation or experimentation of the nature of Love. well, too bad, as it is time to sleep. have a good night.

posted by simply.shaun # 4:18 AM

Saturday, October 13, 2007

a new lifestyle demands a new blog!

posted by simply.shaun # 9:30 AM